We now support the Persistent Staging process. Using Persistent Staging is similar to a Data Migration and all you’ll also have to do is select your additional settings per table such as date, key and ignored columns. Using a date column and combination ‘business key columns’ it will find the latest row and it will detect and record changes to the data being staged.
You can now select to automatically repeat a task that has failed in the same job execution. In the case that a repeat of a task is all that is needed for a job to be successful, we have added the option to select the number of times a task will repeat if it has failed. This will repeat the task and if it still fails after your selected number of retries, the next sequenced task will run.
Several minor improvements have been made to the Azure Shipyard user experience.
We now also support Azure File Store Mounting for Shipyard tasks.
We have improved the process involved when deleting an agent so you can easily follow the steps required to delete an agent. If you have tasks associated with an agent you will also be prompted to migrate these tasks to a different healthy agent. While you will be notified if you are attempting to migrate a task that is already in progress.
We have also made improvements to Parallel Data Migration behaviour so that you have a smoother user experience with Web API Connectors. Parallel Data Migration settings are now always visible when working with Data Migration tasks.
We improved the scheduling user interface so that time format displays consistently, your selected time and the time selection dropdown matches to make editing easier, and we have also made slight improvements to the format of the schedule user interface.
We have fixed a bug in scheduling where the month that was selected would save incorrectly and would go forward one month.
We fixed Task Sequence Dependency so that both the user interface and dependency tasks are displayed correctly.
We have fixed an issue that occurred when switching between two connections that have identically named schemas that resulted in only displaying the tables from the first connection.
Version 2019.12.20.2
We now support the Persistent Staging process. Using Persistent Staging is similar to a Data Migration and all you will also have to do is select your additional settings per table such as date, key and ignored columns. Using a date column and combination ‘business key columns’ it will find the latest row and it will detect and record changes to the data being staged.
You can now allow agents to utilise the host’s default internet proxy rather than providing explicit values for the proxy configuration.
We have improved Datahubs and fixed an issue where the SQL Server Datahub would ignore precision and scale when creating columns if the data type is NUMERIC.
We have improved Snowflake as a connection so that it does not trigger warehouse usage for all metadata related queries by using INFORMATION_SCHEMA. This will instead use SHOW Commands so that metadata queries will not require an active running warehouse and in turn reduce WAREHOUSE usage.
We have made several minor improvements to the Azure Shipyard user experience.
The agent also supports Azure File Store Mounting for Shipyard tasks.
We have fixed a bug that did not display any tables for the MySQL connector when trying to complete a Data Migration.
We have fixed issues that occurred when migrating data incrementally using an ODBC connection, specifically for Query as a Source migrations.