Parameters & Dependency

For tasks that have been defined with parameter names, parameter values can be assigned here.

Click on a task and select the Parameters and Dependency option.



The parameter(s) which you created in your task will appear here. Click on the pencil icon to add a parameter value. If no parameters have been set for the task a message will display “No Parameters found for this Task.”

Tip: Loome Integrate now supports an SQL Query on the associated Task Source Connection as a Parameter value. If this query returns more than one row or more than one column the first column in the first row returned will be assigned as the parameter value.

Enter a value in the Parameter value text field then click Save Value to assign the value to the parameter name selected. You can continue to add values to the next parameter names by clicking on the corresponding pencil icon and follow the same steps as above.

Click Save to save all changes to the task.

Tip: Do not use the pipe (|) character for a parameter value as variables in the Stored Procedure Task and SQL Statement Task.



Set up task dependencies by selecting the appropriate task checkboxes for which you want the task to be dependent on.

Tip: When you add more than one task to a job, the task names and their checkboxes will be visible for selection under task dependency.

Select the Active checkbox to make this task active.

Click Save to save all changes to the task.