Power BI

You can read more about Power BI integration and requirements in detail here.

How do I add a Power BI source system?

You can configure a connection to PowerBI.com. Loome will sync contents from your server to the Drafts area of the application.

Syncing Power BI content requires either an App Registration along with a Power BI account, or a Service Principal to connect and retrieve assets. Currently, Power BI does not support retrieving app content when using a Service Principal. If you require app content then you should use an App Registration + Power BI account.

Authenticating to Power BI

There are four different authentication types to Power BI.

  • Username & Password: Use a Power BI Username and Password, in conjunction with an Azure App Registration.
  • Service Principal: Use an Azure Service Principal, providing the Client Id and Secret.
  • Service Principal - Azure Key Vault Secret: Use an Azure Service Principal, providing the Client Id and retrieving the Secret from an Azure KeyVault at runtime, requires a managed system identity.
  • Service Principal - Azure Key Vault Certificate: Use an Azure Service Principal, providing the Client Id and retrieving the Certificate from an Azure KeyVault at runtime, requires a managed system identity.

You can choose an Authentication Type from its dropdown. Each type will change the required fields.

Username & Password

Use a Power BI Username and Password, in conjunction with an Azure App Registration.

Provide the Tenant ID and the Registration Application ID.

Then provide the Power BI Master Account Username (UPN) and Power BI Master Account Password.

Power BI source system

Service Principal

Use an Azure Service Principal, providing the Client Id and Secret.

Provide the Tenant ID and the Registration Application ID.

Then provide the Azure App registration Secret.

Service Principal - Azure Key Vault Secret

Use an Azure Service Principal, providing the Client Id and retrieving the Secret from an Azure KeyVault at runtime. This requires a managed system identity.

Provide the Tenant ID and the Registration Application ID.

Provide the Azure Key Vault URI and the Azure Key Vault Secret Name.

Service Principal - Azure Key Vault Certificate

Use an Azure Service Principal, providing the Client Id and retrieving the Certificate from an Azure KeyVault at runtime. This requires a managed system identity.

Provide the Tenant ID and the Registration Application ID.

Provide the Azure Key Vault URI and the Azure Key Vault Certificate Name.

Power BI does not currently support using Service Credentials to access App content. If you require App content, you can use the ‘Username & Password’ option.


Provide a Name for this source system.

For Register assets as this user, choose the user that will be noted as the user who registered this source system’s assets.

Choose a Draft Area. Content will be synced into a draft area. The Default draft area is chosen by default.

Do you want to enable this system?

Choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to choose whether new or updated content will be synced. Disabling a source system will not remove your assets, but Loome will not attempt to sync new and updated items until you enable it again.

Power BI source system

What do you want to import?

Choose the types of assets you would like to import from workspaces or apps.

Workspace Import Settings

Choose what types of assets you would like to import from workspaces.

  • Dashboards
  • Reports
  • Datasets
  • Q&A
  • Tiles
App Import Settings

Choose what types of assets you would like to import from apps.

  • Dashboards
  • Reports
  • Tiles

Power BI does not currently support using Service Credentials as the Authentication type to access App content. If you require App content, you can use the ‘Username & Password’ option as your authentication type.

How do you want to handle stale assets?

You can configure how you would like to handle assets that no longer appear in the source system.

  • Delete: Assets no longer found in the source system will be removed from Loome Publish.
  • Disassociate: Assets no longer found in the source system will be disassociated from the source system, and will appear as manually registered assets in Loome Publish.
  • None: Assets no longer found in the source system will not be removed or disassociated.

Power BI source system