Application Roles

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What are application roles?

Application roles allow groups of users the permissions to perform specific tasks. Loome Publish comes with five default BI Catalogue application roles and two additional Data Catalogue roles.

BI Catalogue:

  1. Administrator
  2. Help Desk Operator
  3. Publisher
  4. Tag Manager
  5. Consumer

Data Catalogue:

  1. Data Steward
  2. Data Reader

The table below shows these roles and their permissions. The white crosses are common permissions across roles, while the orange crosses are additional permissions to particular roles.

Application Roles

How do I assign groups or users to an application role?

Click the Settings cog icon at the top right hand corner.

Select Application Roles.

step 2

To add a user or group to a role click the relevant Edit button.

Start by typing the name into the field.

A list of users and groups will appear as you type.

Select the user or group you want to grant permissions to.

List of users/groups

You can view the users within an Active Directory group by clicking on the members icon to view a list of it’s members.

Expand to see members within group AD group memebership list

Click Close to finish.

How do I remove groups and users from an application role?

You can remove a user or group from a role by clicking on the X against their name in the ‘Users and Groups’ screen.

(This is the same screen as adding new users and groups - as shown above).