You can export the results table of any rule to Excel. (You can enable Export/Import via the general settings of a rule.)
To export your results to Excel, on the results page click on Export to Excel at the top-right of the page.
Before you export, we recommend applying filters to select the specific data you would like to export and edit.
You will have the option to export your current view of results, which will include the applied statuses, filters and loaded number of records. Export Current View is the recommended default, regardless of your dataset size, to export records that are currently shown in the results.
If you deselect the checkbox to export the current view, it will export the entire data set of this rule.
Please note that if you have a large data set, it may take some time for the file to be ready to download.
We recommend that you apply filters to only view the records you want to edit in Excel. Then choose to Export Current View. This will speed up the time taken to export and import by decreasing the number of rows to what is required.
You will then need to confirm that you would like to export the rule as an Excel file.
Once the export file is ready, it will notify you in the notifications panel. This may take some time for large data sets.
You can then download the file by clicking on the notification.
Once downloaded, you can view the exported file in Excel.
We have highlighted the cells in the Excel file of any custom or manual fields that you can also edit in Loome in yellow. You can edit these fields as you would in Loome on the results page following the column’s format, such as ‘Ignore’ being equal to ‘FALSE’ or ‘TRUE’. The grey columns are read-only and are either source data or Loome generated fields such as the created date of a record.
We advise that source data or Loome generated fields are not edited to maintain the accuracy of your data.
You can filter the columns in your Excel file, which is downloaded in protected mode, using Excel’s column filtering.
In Excel, under the ‘Review’ tab you can click ‘Unprotect Sheet’ to edit the exported file.
You can also add new columns to your Excel file.
Create a new column in Excel and it will be added as a custom field if you import the file into Loome. The custom field type that it will be added as will be dependent on the column type in Excel. If the column type is supported in Loome, it will be the same column type. If it is not supported, it will be added as a String Custom Field.
You can also add new rows to your data set and import it into Loome successfully if it is a Manual or Source and Manual rule type. Read our guide here..