Loome Assist in Teams

How to Add a Project in Microsoft Teams as a Project Tab

To add a project to your team in Microsoft Teams, you can click Apps in the bottom left of your Microsoft Teams app and then click Add to a team.

Add project tab in Teams app

You can then choose the team you would like to add the Loome Assist project to.

Add project tab in Teams app

After you have selected your team, click Set up a tab.

Add project tab in Teams app

If you are asked to review the permissions, click Review Permissions and follow the prompts to accept the application permissions.

Add project tab in Teams app

Alternatively, you can also add the app when browsing an existing team: 1. From a team tab, you can click the + that is beside your tabs of that team.

Add project tab in Teams app

  1. Search for Loome Assist and you will find the Loome Assist app that will add a project tab to your team.

Add project tab in Teams app

Choose your Region

After you choose the app, you will choose the region that your tenant is located in from the dropdown.

Tenant region

You can edit the region before you create your project in Microsoft Teams. The option is available when selecting your tenant or in the settings while creating your project. After you have created your project you cannot change your region.

You have the option to change the region while choosing the tenant.

Change the tenant region

You have the option to change the region while creating the project by clicking Settings in the tab dropdown.

Change the tenant region

Change the tenant region

Choose your Tenant

You can choose a tenant from the dropdown of tenants that you are a member of.

Please note that a free trial or a paid license of Loome Assist is required to use this app. To request a free trial version of Loome Assist, please go to: https://assist.loomesoftware.com.

Add project tab in Teams app

It will check your application role in this tenant and you can proceed to save.

Add project tab in Teams app

You can then begin the project creation process. You can follow our guide for Teams below or follow the same steps as our project guide, except in Teams this project’s users will be automatically added using the members of this team.

Add project tab in Teams app

In Microsoft Teams, Project Owners will be added as Owners, and other roles will be added as Members. Any guests in Microsoft Teams will be added as a ‘Reader’ to your project in Assist.

Learn more about users below.

Users that are removed from Microsoft Teams will not be automatically removed as a member in the Loome Assist project.

How to Create your Project in Teams

After adding the project tab, you can now begin the project creation process. This project’s users will be automatically added using the members of this team.

First, provide the project name and description. This should be a friendly name that will identify this project.

Then choose an affiliation from the dropdown.

Create a project in the Teams app

Choose your data classification level. For this example, we have chosen Internal for information that can be shared within the organization.

Create a project in the Teams app

Then choose an account.

Create a project in the Teams app

Next, you can choose your budget for this project. The value you can choose will depend on the budget amount you chose for the account earlier. For this example, we chose $1000 as the total budget.

Create a project in the Teams app

Then choose if you would like to add any other email recipients that will be notified if the project budget reaches an alert threshold.

Create a project in the Teams app

You can then add more alert thresholds by providing the percentage of the budget that needs to be reached for an alert to be sent to alert recipients.

Create a project in the Teams app

Click Next when you are ready to review your project details.

If you are happy with your selections, click Create and if you would like to make changes, click Previous.

Create a project in the Teams app

Your project will be created and can then be viewed in this teams tab. You can now add resources, such as workstations, data repositories and solution collections, to this project.

Create a project in the Teams app

To edit a project after you have created it, you can click Edit in the slide-out at the top right of your project view. Learn more about editing projects here. Please note that you cannot edit a project’s memberships in Teams and will need to edit it in Loome Assist.

Deploy Resources into the Project

After you have finished configuring the Loome tenant and your project is ready to go, you can start deploying resources like workstations, storage, and much more.

You can add resources to a project using the same steps as you would in Loome Assist.

To learn how to add a Workstation, follow our guide here.

To learn how to add a Data Repository, follow our guide here.

To learn more about Solution Collections, follow our guide here.

After you have deployed resources, you can refresh your resources using the Refresh button in the right-hand slide-out.

How to View your Project Configuration Details

After you have set up your project in Microsoft Teams, you can view its configuration details from the dropdown tab menu.

Project configuration details

You will be able to view the name of the tenant of your project and the project’s URL.

You can also find a link to our documentation for Assist, as well as our contact email for any questions you have about Loome.

Project configuration details

How to Remove a Project Tab from Microsoft Teams

To remove a project tab from Microsoft Teams, click on the dropdown tab menu and click ‘Remove’.

Remove project tab

You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to remove this tab. This will remove the project tab in Microsoft teams, but the project will still remain in Loome Assist.

You can follow the link here to view the project in Loome Assist.

Follow link to project

Please note that this tab will be removed permanently from Microsoft Teams. But you can still access your project from Loome Assist.


When you create a project in Microsoft Teams, your Teams members will be added as Loome Assist users. Owners will be added as Project Owners in Loome Assist, and other roles will be added as Members. Any guests in Microsoft Teams will be added as a Reader to your project.

If any of your team haven’t used Loome Assist before, once added they will be able to access the project in Teams. They will also receive an invitation to the tenant. They can follow the link in the invitation email to the Loome Assist website.

The following table lists the corresponding roles in the project and tenant a user will be added to if they are a part of your team.

Microsoft Teams Role Loome Assist Project Role Loome Assist Application Role
Owner Project Owner Project Creator
Member Project Contributor Consumer
Guest Project Reader Consumer

Users that are removed from Microsoft Teams will not be automatically removed as a member in the Loome Assist project.

You can only remove a user from a project’s membership by editing the project in Loome Assist. To also remove a user from the Loome Assist tenant, you will also need to delete the user in Application Roles.