How to Notify Users when New Records are Added

You can set up communication rules to alert your chosen audience if there have been new records added to the results of your rule.

First Step: Add a New branch

First edit the rule you would like to add this to.

Click on Add First Step (or Add Next Step if you have existing communication rules) and a slideout will expand with the options ‘Branching Logic’ and ‘Send Email’.

We will create a new branch by clicking on Branching Logic.

Add a new branch

Choose the name of this branch so we can easily identify it later.

Then choose the column New Record.

Select the name of this branch and the column

Next choose Equals as your condition.

Select the condition

For new records, type in ‘1’ in the value field.

If a row has been added in the most recent execution of this rule, your selected recipients will receive the email that we’ll set up next.

Select a value

Click on the checkmark at the top-right and you will have completed this branch.

Second Step: Add an Email Communication Rule

Next we will add another communication step where we will setup an email.

Click on Add True Step and then Send Email.

Add true step

Provide a name for this email that will easily identify its content and purpose.

Choose the Email Type

Then select the type of email. You can choose your recipients manually and enter email addresses here, or you can choose to use an existing column that contains the email addresses you would like to contact.

You also can choose between sending a single email or multiple emails:

  • One email per row
  • One email for all rows
  • One email for a group of rows that all have the same email address in an email column

Select the name and type of the email

For this scenario, we will send one email for all results so each recipient receives only one email instead of multiple emails if there are many new rows. For example, if there are 20 new rows, a user will only receive one email instead of 20 emails.

We can then select the recipients of this alert. We will add emails manually, but you can also choose to select a column from the dropdown that is available in your source data. (You can also add multiple users manually by separating them with a semi-colon in the recipient list field.)

Provide your Email Content

Our next step is to write the content of this email.

First add your subject line and then provide your email content.

You can then use tokens to show customized emails to your recipients. In our example, we will use the token that will show the number of new records. We will also send a link to the results page, so users can be directed to the exact page they need to see.

To use tokens, click on the sentence where you would like to add the token and then drag the token into either the subject or content section, and it will display where you last clicked, as shown below.

Add tokens to your email

Learn more about communication rules here.

Your email is now ready! Use the tick in the top-right corner to close your rule.

Save these communication rules using the right-hand slideout. You can either save and run the rule immediately, or you can choose to only save your changes and run it on a schedule later.


This email will not be sent until the rule is run. You can create a task in Loome Integrate to execute this rule on a schedule.