Import from Excel

You can import your results file from Excel back into your results table in Loome.

To import your results from Excel, on the results page click on Import from Excel at the top-right of the page.

Import results

Please note that importing may take time for larger files. You will be sent a notification when the import process has completed.

Adding New Records

You can only add a new record to your results if your rule type is a Reference or Glossary and has a data source of ‘Manual Data’ or ‘Both Source Query and Manual Data’.

If you import an Excel file that has new records to any other rule type, the import will not complete successfully.

Please note that if you are importing a table with consecutive rows that have the same key value, the last row of that key value will be the imported row.

Once your results have been exported, you can unlock the Excel file to add new rows.

Adding New Columns

New columns can be added to all rule types.

To add new columns into your results table from your Excel file, you will need to check the checkbox ‘Create new columns for any columns in the Excel file that do not exist in this rule.’

This will include these new columns in the import, and you will be able to edit these values in the results.

If this is deselected, these columns will be ignored and will not be added to this rule.

Import results

Choose the file that will be imported.

When importing an Excel file into the results table, it must have the same column names and formats as the columns in the results table.

Import results

Click Upload and you will be notified when the import has completed.

Upon completion of the import, you will see a notification that will ask you to click ok to refresh the results of your rule. This will occur both when you or another user imports a file while you are viewing the results.

Import results

You can click on the ‘Import has completed’ notification if you would like to also refresh the page again.

Import results

If another user imports an Excel file while you are viewing the results of that rule or editing a record, it will be refreshed with the updated results.