
Projects are used to categorize your rules. Your rules may apply to multiple areas of your organization, you can categorize them into different projects to easily find each rule. This means you may have separate projects for Human Resources, Marketing, Finance and Accounting.

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Loome Monitor Homepage

You can select a project from the homepage. All existing projects are displayed at the bottom of the page.

You can also click on ‘Manage Projects’ beside your existing projects at the bottom of this page to edit your projects.


To create a new project, learn more here.

Projects Slide-out

You can choose your project from the sidebar on the left.

Choose a project from the slide-out

If you would like to manage your projects and edit or delete a project, you can also click on the ‘Manage Projects’ button in the Projects slide-out, and you will be directed to a page with a list of all existing projects.

Manage projects in the slide-out

Administrators can also create a new project from this slide-out.

Create new project from the slideout

Provide a friendly name to easily identify the type of rules that you will add to this project.

Add members to your project.

Click on ‘Create Project’ and you will then be able to select this project on the homepage or left-hand project slide-out.

New project

The Project Page

In a new project, Administrators and Project Creators can get started by clicking on the Create New Item button. If you would like to read more about how to create a rule, please click here to be directed to the rule creation guide.

Add a new rule to this project

If you are viewing an existing project, you will find all related rules for this project on this page.

Currently there are four actions you can select from for a rule on the project page. This will vary according to your application role and project role, learn about what your role can do on the application roles page or the project roles page.

  • On the card of a rule, you can click on the run button to execute this rule.

Run an alert from an alert card

It will display the progress of the execution of this rule and you can view its execution steps in the expanded slide-out.

Run an alert from an alert card

Edit a rule

  • Click on the results button to view the results of this rule. You will be directed to its results page. You can also click on the title of a rule to view its results.

View the results of an alert from its alert card

  • Click on the Delete button to delete this rule. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to remove this rule.

Delete an alert

If you would like to delete both the rule and its underlying tables and views in the target connection, then enter the rule’s name into the confirmation field.

If you would like to keep the output tables and views in the target data base and only delete the rule, then you can leave this field blank and they will not be deleted.

Please note that you will need to manually remove archived tables.

Also delete tables and views

  • When you are running a rule, you also have the option to cancel its execution via the cancel button on the rule card or row, and execution slide-out.

Cancel an alert

  • When running a rule from its card or row, you can also click on View Execution Status to expand the execution steps slideout and view its progress.

Cancel an alert

Card and List View

You can choose to view your rules as cards or in a list.

You can change this view by clicking on the Card and List buttons in the right-hand layout slide-out. These are highlighted in the image below, where the rule is displayed in card format.

List or Card view

In list view, all rules will display in a list with information about the rule and its actions, as shown in the image below.

List view

In list view you can sort and filter the rules that are in your project, using the filters beside each column name.

List view filter

It will expand and you can filter on a column, choose to hide or show columns, pin columns to the left or right, autosize or reset your applied filters.

List view filter view

You can also hide or unhide columns in a project when viewing rules in list view. The ‘Created by’ and ‘Created Date’ columns will be hidden by default, you can use the filter option on any column to select which columns will be displayed or not.

Just select the checkboxes of the columns you would like to view.

List view filter for selecting columns

Manage Project Roles and Connections

You can apply roles to users for this project and choose which connections will be available in your project.

You can manage roles and connections specific to your project from the right-hand slideout. Learn more about roles here and connections here.