17th of May, 2022


New Features


You can now create Reconciliation rules. Reconciliation rules mean you can compare two datasets in one rule. You can then view these two datasets in the results table and see highlighted mismatches and orphan records from each dataset.

Results View

We have updated the results table so that it is more intuitive and retrieves records faster than before. It is now in a new grid, where slicers are now available beside each column heading, and includes conditional slicers, sorting, and paging. You can also hide columns, pin columns to the left or right of the table, and auto size the results table. You can load 20,000 records at a time, and can easily view a dataset of 100,000 records.


Each results table will now display the metrics of records in that rule at the top of the page. It will show how many records are under each status. It will also be available as a table in your target connection.

Export to Excel

You can now export the results table of a rule to Excel. You can find an ‘Export to Excel’ button at the top right of the results page. The exported file will contain the records from the default statuses that appear on your results page in a similar format. Custom fields, that are editable, are in yellow and source data are read-only in grey.

String Custom Field

You can now add a String custom field to rules. Similar to a notes custom field, you can provide characters to this field in the results table but the string field is for shorter fields. A string custom field has a limit of 255 characters.


  • You can now choose multiple statuses to be displayed by default in results view.
  • Loome will display an error message if you have selected a key column that isn’t unique that will identify the values causing the issue.
  • The ignored status will now load before the resolved status by default to avoid the incorrect application of statuses.
  • You will now find that connections are shown in alphabetical order in the dropdown when creating a rule.
  • We have added a complete list of countries to the Country field on the tenant registration page.
  • We added a link to our documentation for more information about Regex in Data Quality rules.
  • We have changed the agent bar and it is now a scrollable single line if you have multiple agents.
  • Users in application roles will now be sorted alphabetically.
  • You will now be provided the option to also remove the output tables and views when you delete a rule. When confirming that you would like to delete a rule, you can choose to either only delete the rule and keep the output tables and views, or you can delete both the rule and output tables.
  • As slicers are now available beside each column heading, we have removed the slicer slide-out.
  • We have added a notification to inform users that a manual field cannot be deleted if it is used as a key column.


  • Opening a link to Loome Monitor when you aren’t logged in will direct to the correct page after login, and no longer redirects to homepage instead.
  • We have fixed an issue where the results page was loaded twice so that it now loads once.


This update requires agent version - 2022.5.10.1

Please update your agent to use new features and improvements.

New Features

  • We have added reconciliation support. Read more about reconciliation above.
  • We have also added support for exporting to Excel. Read more about ‘Export to Excel’ above.
  • We have updated to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient and now support Managed Identity, DNS caching and SQL Retry Logic, as well as other improvements. The Encrypt setting in a SQL Server connection string will now default to encrypt=true rather than encrypt=false.

Any users who are connecting to unencrypted databases will need to add encrypt=false to their connection string in Loome Monitor.

  • You will now be provided the option to also remove the output tables and views when you delete a rule. When confirming that you would like to delete a rule, you can choose to either only delete the rule and keep the output tables and views by leaving the confirmation field blank, or you can provide the name of the rule to delete both the rule and output tables.
  • We have updated the results table to a new grid based system. It includes features such as paging, filtering, sorting, and searching, while it can load 20,000 more records into the table faster than it did before. Read more about the new results table in the ‘New Features’ section above.
  • We have added support for the String type custom field.


  • To learn when new records have been added to a dataset, results will now be ordered by record age and then by the key column(s).
  • We have improved the performance of persistent staging to significantly increase the speed of record retrieval.
  • We have added support to the agent for SQL connections that would use SQL retry logic. You can specify SQL retry logic provider settings via the connection string.
  • A duplicate key column check will be performed as the first steps of running a rule and a friendly error will display to let you know of any problems in this column.


  • We have fixed an issue where an apostrophe in the key column would cause an error when editing the record.
  • We fixed the issue where the results page did not display due to columns with special characters or spaces.
  • We have fixed the issue causing rules to fail when the key column was the type ‘uniqueidentifier’.
  • We have fixed a bug where it didn’t send communications from a manual reference as it did not include columns with special characters or spaces in a token.
  • We also fixed the validation issue that is encountered when toggling between email communication types and saving.
  • We fixed the issue where values in a date custom field in the results table were called ‘Invalid date’ instead of ‘Null’. As well as the issue where a rule execution failed when a record status branch was a date column that equals null.
  • We fixed an issue where a data field that had a long name would cause the rule execution to fail.
  • We fixed an issue where some source columns were not available as a column when creating record status conditions.
  • We fixed an issue that caused a reference rule execution to fail if the data source was manual only.
  • Previously, you couldn’t use a list value as a record status condition unless it had been attributed to a row, you can now use any list value even if it hasn’t been selected for a record.
  • There were more rows inserted into the communications output table than the number of emails that were sent out, it will now insert a number of rows that is equal to the emails sent out.
  • The chosen default for a list custom field was not selected as default in the results table.
  • Loome Monitor would truncate values as it did not distinguish between some column types and casted columns as varchar(50).