26th of March, 2024



  • Added support for displaying costings in the currency type they were charged in.
  • Improved data repository scripts in VMs so that you do not need to restart a VM to see the data repository mounted as a drive, and to ensure the drive mounting persists through restarts correctly.
  • Updated data repository mounting scripts to use symlinks.
  • When creating a data repository, the default access tier will now be set to ‘Hot’.


This update requires agent version - 2024.03.25.1

Please download a new install script and update your agent to use new features, improvements, and fixes.


  • Added support for displaying costings in the currency type they were charged in.
  • When creating a data repository, the default access tier will now be set to ‘Hot’.

To make use of the updates to currency type, you will need to update your agent. You will then need to wait up to four hours for the next update of costings to take place before this change is visible in the UI.