26th of September, 2023


Organization Management

We have now implemented a new sign up and management experience for your Loome Organization. As an owner of a Loome Organization, you can manage your Loome tenants, user and API access, provide billing and technical contacts and view subscription details.

New users will also be redirected to this application when signing up to Loome, and can sign up for Loome Assist, Integrate, and Monitor in one location.

We will be providing further functionality via this app in future updates.

API Keys

API Keys have been enhanced in this release and standardized across Loome Assist, Integrate, and Monitor.

All keys now employ an expiry date. As part of the migration this will be set at 2 years for existing keys, but is configurable by you and will apply the next time a token is acquired for an API key.

You can also configure firewall rules to lock down what IP addresses an API Key can be used from.

API Keys now require you to assign permissions before they can be used. API Keys can be assigned an administrator role at the tenant level, or you can choose to assign an API key to a specific role in a specific project in order to limit its access. This is done via the existing user controls at the tenant and project level for user access. You will now be presented with the option to add users, or add API Keys when assigning permissions.

As part of the migration, all existing API Keys will be added to the administrator role at the tenant level, and can then be modified by you as needed.

Additionally, new API Keys now require a separate client secret to operate, this adds a level of security when communicating API Keys to users. This will not affect existing API Keys, but you may chose to retire these existing API Keys and create new, more secure API Keys as needed.

API Keys can continue to be managed by tenant admins from within Loome Integrate, Monitor and Assist, or by organization admins via the new organization management app.


  • Improved UI for user management.


This update requires agent version - 2023.09.24.1

Please download a new install script and update your agent to use new features, improvements, and fixes.


  • Fixed an issue where you could not create storage when an Azure policy was in place to block public access or TLS less than a particular version. This was due to creation of storage account before applying these settings. These settings are not applied during creation.