17th of May, 2022



  • We have improved the PowerShell processor for solution collection action scripts in Assist. This will allow the install and import of modules in these scripts.
  • Modified Virtual Networks to be able to share address spaces across accounts. Assist will also calculate the next available subnet for a new project in an address space.
  • Added API endpoints to retrieve network information for workstations and storage accounts.
  • Added the ability to specify service tags in NSG rules for Virtual Networks.
  • Storage accounts will now only be available under private VNETs when a private VNET is configured for the parent account.
  • We have added messages to the Affiliations, Accounts, Agents, Cost Centers, and Workstation Templates pages when they are empty without any user-added content to help users navigate the UI.
  • The storage account name is now shown as a field on solution collection repositories.
  • We have also updated solution collection repositories from verified publishers so that they cannot be deleted. You also cannot delete a solution collection repository that has been promoted to a verified publisher. Please contact support@loomesoftware.com if you would like to remove a verified repository.
  • We improved the speed of public image retrieval when creating a workstation template.
  • We have added role based welcome messaging to the home page.
  • We have improved phrasing in various text and error messages.
  • We have improved messaging when upgrading a solution collection.
  • We added a home page for new tenants that have no projects.


  • We fixed a typo in the data repository error notification message.
  • We have resolved an issue where you could not set a project budget limit when the parent account had an unlimited budget.
  • The help link to documentation previously went to the wrong module.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a 120-character limit on SSH keys for VM access.
  • Fixed an issue where secure string field types in solution collections were not being hidden from the user in the UX.
  • We fixed an issue where many agents would cause the agent bar at the bottom to overlap content. It is now a scrollable single line if you have multiple agents.
  • We have fixed an issue in Safari where you could not erase a search value under publishers and search for a new value.
  • We fixed an issue where the Contributor role could not create a project and received an error when retrieving the list of data classifications.


This update requires agent version - 2022.5.10.1

New Features

  • You can now add a confirmation option when running an action for the Solution Collection you have created, so that the user of the solution collection is prompted if they want to complete the action.
  • We added the ability to provide a status check function for Solution Collections. For example, it can indicate if the solution collection is ‘running’ or other such statuses.


  • We have added a ‘Clear Search’ button in the slicer slide-out when searching for solution collections to refresh any filtered results on the page.
  • We updated the existing loader in Assist so that it is much faster.


  • We have fixed a UI layout issue when creating a workstation template in a small window resolution. We have updated the UI so that it will display correctly when the window is resized.
  • Loome previously displayed an error of ‘Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: T. Path “, line 0, position 0.’ when deploying a solution collection with an ARM template that includes at least one parameter of the boolean type (i.e., “type”: “bool”). It will now parse the parameter correctly with a Yes/No button on the parameter’s entry form.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not mount a data repository to a Windows VM when the parent project has a space in the name.
  • Resolved an issue where subnet creation for Virtual Networks would fail where the project name ends in a non alpha-numeric character.