How to Install in Windows

Download Installer for Windows

The agent installer is a single PowerShell script that will download the necessary run times, the newest version of the agent and it will also pre-configure your agent to connect to this tenant.

The install script will automatically be installed as a Local System account. To change the account settings, you will need to modify the service.

Once you’ve downloaded the script, make sure to run the script with administrator privileges.

Windows users will need to ensure they have Powershell 4 at a minimum installed.

Install in Windows

Open PowerShell as an Administrator in the folder that contains the new Loome agent installer.

Agent Folder

Run as Administrator

Copy and run the following command in this PowerShell Window.

powershell –ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\InstallAgent.ps1

If other Loome agent installer files are present in this folder, you must run the newest file. The best way to avoid any confusion is to remove all installer files before downloading a new agent.

Follow the installation script and answer any prompted questions. It may ask if you will be using SnowSQL or Microsoft Genomics with this agent.

This will download the newest version of the agent whilst removing older versions for the tenant.

It will start the service and complete installation. If you see that the agent is unhealthy in Loome Assist, first refresh the page and if it is still unhealthy, please check that the agent has been started or restart the agent in Services.

You are then ready to use this agent in Loome Assist.

Location of the Agent

The agent will be installed in %ProgramData%\LoomeAgent\your-agent-number

If running as a service, service will be named loome-agent-your-agent-number

These values can be found on the ‘Setup Agent’ slide-out in Loome Assist.

Windows Considerations

If the agent is running as a service, you will need to provide an account with “Logon as a Service” functionality.

When providing the username and password credentials for the service, ensure that you include the domain as part of the username. Eg: “Company\User” or “DeviceName\LocalUser”

Agent services can be viewed in the Windows Services manager under the name loome-agent-[unique identifier for the agent] (eg:loome-agent-b075a8fa-e384-402b-a5db-f6c857172e78).