How to Install in Linux

Download Installer for Linux

The agent installer is a single PowerShell script that will download the necessary run times, the newest version of the agent and it will also pre-configure your agent to connect to this tenant.

The install script will automatically be installed as a Local System account. To change the account settings, you will need to modify the service.

Once you’ve downloaded the script, make sure to run the script with administrator privileges.

Linux users will need to install Powershell Core for their platform.

Install in Linux

Once you have downloaded the agent installer, open an elevated shell in the directory of the new installer.

You will need to do this before running PowerShell Core to ensure the agent installer runs with the right permissions.

Next, copy and run the following command in the shell window.

pwsh –ExecutionPolicy Bypass ./InstallAgent.ps1

If other installer files are present you must run the newest file. The best way to avoid confusion is to remove all installer files before downloading a new installer script.

Follow the installation script. It will download the newest version of the agent whilst removing older versions for the tenant.

Currently, you will need to configure your own service/daemon to run the agent with. To help with this you can use the Run.ps1 file in the agent install directory to easily run the agent as a standard program.

Optional - Add Kerberos Authentication

You can also optionally add Kerberos authentication.

If you need to use Kerberos authentication with any Loome Assist connections and don’t want to manually create tickets, you will need to create KeyTabs for Loome Assist to use for authentication purposes.

  1. Run ktutil as a super user.

As was the case with installing the agent, you must be a super user to create keytabs for Loome Assist Agents.

  1. Create a valid keytab using the following commands.

These will need to be run one-by-one, you will need replace USERNAME and DOMAIN with your Kerberos username and domain respectively as well as enter the password when prompted.

addent -password -p USERNAME@DOMAIN -k 1 -e rc4-hmac
                                            addent -password -p USERNAME@DOMAIN -k 1 -e aes256-cts
                                            wkt /.loomeagent/keys/USERNAME@DOMAIN.keytab

  1. Use the Username & Domain in Connections Requiring the Keytab

Connections that utilize Kerberos can now automatically create tickets assuming you provide the username and domain used in the keytab to the connection.

Using an Azure Linux VM

You will need to have installed both PowerShell and .Net to use an Azure Linux VM.

Then download and install the agent using the agent installer from Loome Assist.

Add the following data from your Azure VM "HostName":"{AssociatedVirtualMachineName}" in appsetting.json in the agent.

Then manually start the server by using the command sudo dotnet Loome.Agent.dll in the agent folder.

Linux Considerations

Service Requirements

The installer currently supports configuring the agent on Linux as a systemd service. This means that whilst the Loome agent may run on any platform that supports .NET Core , automatic agent service configuration through the install script is only available to distributions that support systemd.

“loomeusers” Group

The installer will create a new group called loomeusers on install, this group is used for managing file permissions in the /.loomeagent directory and so it is a requirement that the group is created.