Add a Verb

Verbs are usually known as action or “doing” words, but in Loome Assist, there are multiple verb types, useful if a word is to be related to a specific question. This could be for things such as booking, more information, contacts etc.

Your verb type also informs the Answer Grammar Matrix, meaning that Loome Assist can perceive the intent of a question, and therefore provide an answer in the format which you have told it to.


How do I add a Verb to the Dictionary?

  1. Click on Dictionary from the navigation menu.

  2. Click on Create New Entry.

    step 1

  3. Enter a Word/Phrase.

  4. Select a ‘Verb’ as Phrase Type.

  5. Enter a Past Tense for the word.

  6. Select a Verb Type:

    • Do

    • Contact

    • Help

    • Book

    • None

  7. Click Save.