Answer Grammar Matrix

Loome Assist’s Answer Grammar Matrix formats how an answer is returned, with respect to the words used in the question.

How do I use the Answer Grammar Matrix feature in Loome Assist?

You can configure Loome Assist’s behaviour and responses using the Answer Grammar Matrix. Loome Assist provides a 3D matrix of answer types, also known as grammar, to the asker. This helps Loome Assist understand the intent of a question.

Each Answer Grammar is defined by a verb type, a query type, and whether Loome Assist has an answer to return.

step 1


You will see that verb and query types from the dictionary are plotted here. Where they intercept is where Loome Assist will craft an answer type (the answer grammar) to respond to the question.


For example:

“How do I call John Smith?”

In asking the above question we have a specific verb and query type that have been defined in the Dictionary. In this case, the “How do I” is an Action Query type, and “call” is a Contact verb type. Where they intercept, Loome Assist will produce a certain answer grammar, such as “The phone number I have listed is 1234”.

Sometimes your verbs/queries in the dictionary have no types assigned. In this case if Loome Assist can find an answer it will return the information only. So for the example, Loome Assist will just return “1234” without the phrasing.

Tip: how you craft the answer grammar - which Verb/Query type you assign to those new words when you add them to the Dictionary - is an important part to the design. For example: do you want multiple questions to have the same grammar when Loome Assist responds, and/or are there times where specific questions require specific answer grammar?

Query returns an answer: Yes/ No

Yes: these are answers defined when Loome Assist understands the question being asked and has an answer in the Knowledge Base to return to the asker.

No: these are answers defined when Loome Assist understands the questions, however, has no answers to return to the asker. These are more commonly ‘Text Only’ type answers.


How do I add an answer or behaviour to the Answer Grammar Matrix?

step 3

Most of the time, answers will return based on what you have in the Knowledge Base, so using the Answer Grammar Matrix is only needed if you want additional phrasing for your answers.

In the shot above, you also see multiple Answer Blocks - these can be used in case you want Loome Assist to respond to your answer in multiple speech bubble. Each answer block is its own speech bubbles. You may decide to use this if you want Loome Assist to provide an answer with multiple bits of information, that is easier on the eye.

  1. Click on a Verb Type/ Query Type cell to configure an answer for that particular scenario.

  2. Click on Add Answer Block.

  3. Select either:

    Text Only - this is a text only answer. What you enter in Reply Template will be returned to the user in the answer bubble.

    Answer - this option will search the Knowledge Base to provide an answer to the asker’s utterance when tags are matched.

  4. Select an answer Category:

    • All

    • All but above

    • Subject

    • Product

    • Solution

    • Person

    • Location

    • Case Study

    • Contact Form

    • General

    • Capability

    • People

    • Engagement

    • Clients

    • Greeting

  5. Select an answer Context:

    • All

    • Selection

    • Page

    • Link

    • Image

    • Card

    • Endpoint

    • Endpoint Card

    • Query

  6. Enter an answer in Reply Template.

    Text Only - includes a text response only.

    Answer - can include text and tokens.

  7. Click Submit to save answer.

How do I delete an Answer Grammar?

Click on the Answer Grammar you no longer wish to use, opening the edit window. Click “Delete Answer Grammar”. Another window will pop up, asking you to confirm the deletion, click “OK”.

The cell in the matrix previously holding your Answer Grammar should now be displaying a red X. The matrix will now revert to the default.

The ‘none:none’ answer grammars (for both yes and no to returning an answer) are not deletable - these are the grammars in the bottom right hand corner that do not have a tick or cross.